Star Trek TNG: S1 – Hide & Q
{Yes, we weren’t supposed to watch this one, but the fiancé saw it was a Q episode and demanded it be included.}
Q shows up to fuck with the crew, look fabulous in more costumes, and have a Shakespeare-off with Picard.
Memory Hole:
Our first real visit to Styrofoam Planet 1. It’s pretty bad.

The Quote:
A marshall of France? Ridiculous.

Fiancé’s Favorite Moment:
Q’s crazy punishment for losing yet another bet with Picard. This is why Picard isn’t invited to poker nights.

Fiancé’s Verdict:
Fun because she likes Q. Although this one was extra silly. The Q episodes are self gratifying to the human species, pumping up our uniqueness in the absence of absolute power.
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