A few more tracks/albums that I find particularly useful to write to. Check out Part One for some additional recommendations. Enjoy.
Jóhann Jóhannsson – Englabörn

Two Steps From Hell – Invincible

Zoë Keating – One Cello x 16: Natoma

Spilling Creative Pixels
Get down
A few more tracks/albums that I find particularly useful to write to. Check out Part One for some additional recommendations. Enjoy.
Not everyone can write (or work) with music playing. If you’re one of those people, feel free to skip this post. I’ve found that music with no lyrics (or very few. chanting is fine) works the best for me. So I stick with classical, soundtracks, and electronica. Your mileage may vary. These are a few of the albums/songs that help me focus. Helps me shut off the outside world and get into the one I’ve created.
An easy pick. An updated take on some classical work. It also builds and releases a lot of tension throughout the tracks. Great for when you’re building suspense in a scene.
Those French, what with their electronic music and their..um, transparent pants? Contemplative electronic music that doesn’t jar you. Not quite on the level of ambient music (which can tend to drone), but calming still.